Persecuted Christians Facts & Videos
PERSECUTED CHRISTIAN FACTS & VIDEOS – Summed-up Facts & Videos about the Persecuted Christians in Countries around the World. Persecution of Christians Testimonies & Resource Links.

- Hebrews 13:3 (ESV) “REMEMBER those who are in PRISON, as though in PRISON with them, and those who are MISTREATED“
- Hebrews 11:35-40 (ESV) “Some were TORTURED, refusing to accept release, so that they might rise again to a better life. Others SUFFERED MOCKING and FLOGGING, and even CHAINS and IMPRISONMENT. They were STONED, they were SAWN in two, they were KILLED with the SWORD. They went about in SKINS of SHEEP and GOATS, DESTITUTE, AFFLICTED, MISTREATED— of whom the world was not worthy—wandering about in DESERTS and MOUNTAINS, and in DENS and CAVES of the earth. And all these, though commended through their FAITH, did NOT receive what was PROMISED, since God had provided something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect.”
- Acts 12:5 (NASB) “So Peter was KEPT in the PRISON, but PRAYER for him was being MADE FERVENTLY by the CHURCH to GOD.”
- Acts 14:22 (NASB) “STRENGTHENING the SOULS of the disciples, ENCOURAGING them to CONTINUE in the FAITH, and saying, “Through MANY TRIBULATIONS we MUST enter the KINGDOM OF GOD.”
- 2 Timothy 3:10-12 (NASB) Paul speaking to Believers, “Now you FOLLOWED my TEACHING, CONDUCT, PURPOSE, FAITH, PATIENCE, LOVE, PERSEVERANCE, PERSECUTIONS, and SUFFERINGS, such as happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium and at Lystra; what PERSECUTIONS I ENDURED, and out of them ALL the LORD RESCUED me! (12) ALL who DESIRE to LIVE GODLY in CHRIST JESUS will be PERSECUTED.”
- 2 Timothy 3:12 (NASB) “Indeed, all who desire to live GODLY in CHRIST JESUS will be PERSECUTED.”
- Revelation 12:11 (NASB) “And they OVERCAME him (Antichrist) because of the BLOOD of the LAMB (JESUS) and because of the WORD of their TESTIMONY, and they did NOT love their LIFE even when faced with DEATH.”
- Matthew 5:10 (NASB) “BLESSED are those who have been PERSECUTED for the sake of RIGHTEOUSNESS, for theirs is the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.”
- John 15:20 (NASB) Jesus: “If they PERSECUTED ME, they will also PERSECUTE YOU.”
- 1 Peter 1:6-9 (NASB) “In this you GREATLY REJOICE, even though now for a LITTLE WHILE, if necessary, you have been DISTRESSED by VARIOUS TRIALS, so that the PROOF of your FAITH, being MORE PRECIOUS than GOLD which is PERISHABLE, even though TESTED by FIRE, may be found to result in PRAISE and GLORY and HONOR at the revelation of JESUS CHRIST 8)and though you have NOT SEEN HIM, you LOVE HIM, and though you do NOT SEE HIM now, but BELIEVE in HIM, you GREATLY REJOICE with JOY INEXPRESSIBLE and FULL of GLORY, 9)obtaining as the outcome of your FAITH the SALVATION of your SOULS.”
- James 1:12 (NASB) “BLESSED is a man who PERSEVERES under TRIAL; for once he has been APPROVED, he will receive the CROWN OF LIFE which the LORD has PROMISED to those who LOVE HIM.”
- 2 Thessalonians 1:7-12 (NKJV) “..When the LORD JESUS is Revealed from HEAVEN with His MIGHTYANGELS, in FLAMING FIRE taking VENGEANCE on those who do NOT know God, and on those who do NOT OBEY the GOSPEL of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. These shall be PUNISHED with EVERLASTING DESTRUCTION from the Presence of the LORD and from the GLORY of HIS POWER, when He comes, in that DAY, to be GLORIFIED in His SAINTS and to be ADMIRED among ALL those who BELIEVE, because our TESTIMONY among you was BELIEVED. (11) Therefore we also PRAY always for YOU that our GOD would Count you WORTHY of this CALLING, and FULFILL ALL the GOOD PLEASURE of HIS GOODNESS and the WORK of FAITH with POWER, that the Name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST may be GLORIFIED in YOU, and YOU in HIM, according to the GRACE of our GOD and the LORD JESUS CHRIST.”
- 1 Peter 4:12-14 (NASB) “Beloved, do not be surprised at the FIERY ORDEAL (TRIAL) among you, which comes upon you for your TESTING, as though some STRANGE THING were happening to you; but to the degree that you SHARE the SUFFERINGS OF CHRIST, keep on REJOICING, so that also at the revelation of HIS GLORY you may REJOICE with EXULTATION. If you are REVILED for the NAME OF CHRIST, you are BLESSED, because the SPIRIT OF GLORY and of GOD rests on you.”

- QUOTE BY J. C. RYLE: “Let it NEVER surprise us, if we have to endure MOCKERY, and RIDICULE, and FALSE REPORTS, because we belong to CHRIST. The DISCIPLE is NOT greater than HIS MASTER, nor the SERVANT than HIS LORD. If LIES and INSULTS were HEAPED upon our SAVIOR, we need NOT WONDER if the same WEAPONS are constantly used against HIS PEOPLE. It is one of SATAN’S great DEVICES to blacken the CHARACTERS of GODLY MEN, and bring them into CONTEMPT.”
- 1 Peter 4:12-14 (NASB) “Beloved, do not be surprised at the FIERY ORDEAL (TRIAL) among you, which comes upon you for your TESTING, as though some STRANGE THING were happening to you; but to the degree that you SHARE the SUFFERINGS OF CHRIST, keep on REJOICING, so that also at the revelation of HIS GLORY you may REJOICE with EXULTATION. If you are REVILED for the NAME OF CHRIST, you are BLESSED, because the SPIRIT OF GLORY and of GOD rests on you.”
Hated by the World – Martyrs for Christ – Persecuted Christians Videos
FROM SO4J-TV: “ANSWERING CHRIST’S CALL TO DISCIPLESHIP” – PHIL JOHNSON EXPLAINS: Luke 9:59-62 Phil Johnson preached an important message (this is an excerpt) from Luke 9:59-62, in our “GraceLife” Fellowship Group in the Family Center at Grace Community Church, CA .. our Senior Pastor at GCC is: John MacArthur. Phil Johnson is a Pastor (along with: Mike Riccardi) of the “GraceLife” Fellowship Group at Grace Community Church, CA (GCC), CA.Phil Johnson is the Executive Director of “Grace To You” Ministries [GTY.org], and has been closely associated with John MacArthur since 1981, and edits most of John MacArthur’s major books. He is also an Elder at Grace Community Church, CA.

More on the Twelve Disciples of Jesus
Persecuted Christians Need Your Prayer
Video: Persecuted Christians Need Prayer
Video: Persecution: A Price to Pay for Being a Christian? – John MacArthur – GTY.org
Video: Foxe’s Book Martyrs Free AudioBook Online – Part 1 of 2
Top 10 Worst Countries for Persecuting Christians World Watch List
Video: World Watch List – Persecuted Christians – Open Doors USA
World Watch List – Top 10 Worst Countries for Persecuting Christians – Each year Open Doors releases the World Watch List, a detailed analysis of Christian persecution worldwide. In this free resource, countries are evaluated and ranked according to the severity of persecution that occurred in the past year. They offer the World Watch List free as part of their mission at Open Doors to inform and inspire others with the message of the persecuted. Inside the World Watch List you will find an extensive treatment of each of the top 50 countries. You will learn how persecution has intensified or decreased in the last year and projections for the coming year. This year North Korea has topped the list again.“Twenty-five percent of Christians are believed to be in labor camps for their refusal to worship the country’s leader. The estimated 400,000 Christians must remain underground to worship god. Christian missionaries are killed, tortured and imprisoned because of their efforts to help Korean refugees.”
- North Korea
- Saudi Arabia
- Afghanistan
- Iraq
- Somalia
- Maldives
- Mali
- Iran
- Yemen
- Eritrea
Persecuted Christian Facts – 36 Countries
More Christians have been Martyred in the past 100 years than in all prior 1900 years combined. And the Persecution of Christians is growing. Today more Christians are Persecuted for their faith than ever. In many Nations right now, Christians are: Persecuted, Tortured, Imprisoned, and even Martyred for their Faith in Jesus Christ.
Below is a summed up Persecuted Christian Facts that Rate: Religious Freedoms in 36 Countries.
Excerpts from the: End Times Blog
Religious Freedom Rating: na (7 is worst)
Public persecution of Christians has once again emerged, and Christians still face constant harassment from militant Muslims.
Religious Freedom Rating: na (7 is worst)
In recent years Christians have been attacked by the Islamic Salvation Front, and Islamic fundamentalists are pushing for the implementation of Sharia law.
Religious Freedom Rating: 6 (7 is worst)
Islam is the state religion, and radical Muslims are pushing for the introduction of full Islamic Sharia law. Hindus, Christians and Buddhists have all experienced religious discrimination and attacks by militant Muslims.
Religious Freedom Rating: 6 (7 is worst)
All public worship and evangelism by non-Buddhists is illegal. The king wields absolute power, and there are no legal guarantees on freedom of religion.
Burma (Myanmar)
Religious Freedom Rating: 7 (7 is worst)
The State Peace and Development Council attempts to control every religious activity. All gatherings of five or more people are illegal. Ethnic minorities, such as the Karen, have been targets of repression.
Religious Freedom Rating: 6 (7 is worst)
Widespread persecution of church leaders and members, especially those in unregistered (underground) churches, which may represent as many as 100 million believers.
Religious Freedom Rating: 4 (7 is worst)
Pastors have been targeted by guerrilla movements such as FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), with 400 churches being forced to close in areas under the control of armed groups. Christians have also been killed for speaking out against violence and the widespread drug trade.
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
Religious Freedom Rating: 4-7 (7 is worst)
The CIS comprises Russia and 11 other republics that were formerly part of the Soviet Union, including Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Christians face harassment and repression from both old-guard Communists, and Islamic militants.
Religious Freedom Rating: 6 (7 is worst)
The church was initially persecuted by the Communist regime of Fidel Castro, when church leaders were sent to labour camps. Christians now enjoy greater freedom, although house churches are still subject to repression.
Religious Freedom Rating: n/a (7 is worst)
Evangelical Christians have come under increasing pressure. Only four religious groups are allowed to hold public meetings: Muslims, Catholics, Orthodox and Lutheran. Evangelical Christians have been imprisoned.
Religious Freedom Rating: 5 (7 is worst)
States such as Orissa and Gujarat have been racked by violence as radical Hindus have attacked Christian communities. Six Indian states have passed anti-conversion laws that impose prison terms and fines against anyone using force, fraud or allurement to convert another.
Religious Freedom Rating: 5 (7 is worst)
Militant Muslims have waged periodic Jihad (‘Holy War’) against Christian communities in the Molucca Islands and Sulawesi. Over 600 churches have been destroyed since 1996.
Religious Freedom Rating: 7 (7 is worst)
Shi’a Islam is the state religion. Conversion from Islam to another faith is a capital crime. There is a ban on the printing of all Christian literature, and constant surveillance of churches and those who attend them.
Religious Freedom Rating: na (7 is worst)
After the fall of Saddam Hussein, members of underground churches are struggling to practice their faith. The Christian community is largely Assyrian, with some Armenians. About one-third of all Christians fled Iraq in the 1990s.
Religious Freedom Rating: na (7 is worst)
Christians are free to live and work in Kuwait, but must worship in a recognized location. Evangelism to Kuwaitis is forbidden.
Religious Freedom Rating: n/a (7 is worst)
Communist leaders in some districts have implemented a program called ‘New Mechanism’ in which anyone who does not convert to Buddhism or animism is forcibly removed from their district. Christian villagers have been forced to sign documents renouncing their faith.
Religious Freedom Rating: na (7 is worst)
Sunni Islam is the state religion, but secular influences are strong. There are very few Libyan Christian believers. There is a limit of one church per denomination per city.
Religious Freedom Rating: 4 (7 is worst)
Although the constitution guarantees religious freedom, fundamentalist Muslims do everything in their power politically to inhibit Christian evangelism. Ethnic Malays are not allowed to have a Christian place of worship.
Religious Freedom Rating: n/a (7 is worst)
This popular holiday destination in the Indian Ocean hides a repressive regime. Free speech is not respected for the press or non-Muslim religions. In 1998 all known Maldivian Christians were arrested.
Religious Freedom Rating: 6 (7 is worst)
Islam is the state religion, and conversion from Islam is strictly forbidden. The Catholic Church is the only recognised religious group outside of Islam. Sharia law is intermittently applied.
Religious Freedom Rating: 4 (7 is worst)
Anyone converting to Christianity can face charges of treachery and illegal contact with foreign missions. A small Moroccan church is emerging, estimated to number some 500 indigenous believers in 2000.
Religious Freedom Rating: 5 (7 is worst)
Militant Hindus are targeting Christians with hostile propaganda and violence; while Maoist guerrillas, who control one-fifth of the country, have also attacked Christians.
Religious Freedom Rating: 5 (7 is worst)
The imposition of Islamic Sharia law in more than 10 states has caused thousands of Christians to flee, and has exacerbated differences between the predominantly Christian south and the Islamic north.
North Korea
Religious Freedom Rating: 7 (7 is worst)
Over 100,000 people, including many Christians, are believed to be imprisoned in North Korea’s barbaric death camps. The brutal dictatorship of Kim Jong Il suppresses all religious activities, and imposes a personality cult based around the ‘Great Leader’.
Religious Freedom Rating: na (7 is worst)
Churches and church activities for expatriates are allowed, but evangelism of Muslims is forbidden. There is a handful of indigenous believers.
Religious Freedom Rating: 6 (7 is worst)
Pakistan’s poorly-drafted 295c blasphemy laws, which carry the death penalty for ‘blaspheming Mohammed’, have been misused against Christians and other minorities. Militant Muslims are increasingly attacking churches and Christian organizations.
Religious Freedom Rating: na (7 is worst)
Criticism of the ruling family monarchy or Islam is a crime. However expatriate believers are allowed to practice their faith.
Saudia Arabia
Religious Freedom Rating: 7 (7 is worst)
Saudi Arabia is the guardian of Islam’s two holiest sites, Mecca and Medina. Any citizen who converts from Islam to another religion faces the death penalty. Islamic Sharia law is the main source of legislation.
Religious Freedom Rating: na (7 is worst)
The small Somali church has been driven underground, and exists mainly in the south. A number of believers have been martyred, others have been publicly named as targets for execution.
Sri Lanka
Religious Freedom Rating: 4 (7 is worst)
Buddhism is given the ‘foremost place’ in the Constitution. Militant Buddhists have increasingly instigated mob violence against evangelical Christians in rural areas. 65 churches were attacked in 2003.
Religious Freedom Rating: 7 (7 is worst)
Famine and the long-running civil war between the Muslim North and Christian/animist South have led to over two million deaths in the last two decades. Thousands of Southern Sudanese have been literally enslaved after being seized in government raids.
Religious Freedom Rating: na (7 is worst)
Christian minorities are tolerated and have freedom to worship and witness within their own community, but all activities that could threaten the government or communal harmony are carefully watched.
Religious Freedom Rating: 7 (7 is worst)
Christians find themselves caught between pressure from both Buddhism and Chinese communism. In 1999 the Chinese Communist Party in Lhasa decreed that atheism is necessary to promote economic development in the region, and to assist the struggle against the Dalai Lama (who fled in 1959).
Religious Freedom Rating: 5 (7 is worst)
The Christian Population has declined from 22 per cent in 1900 to 0.32 per cent today. There is increasing openness by the government to recognise Turkey as a multi-cultural, multi-religious country. Periodic acts of violence against non-Muslim institutions.
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Religious Freedom Rating: na (7 is worst)
Islam is the state religion. Expatriate Christians, representing many different language groups, have freedom to worship and witness to their faith.
Religious Freedom Rating: na (7 is worst)
It is illegal for Muslims to convert to Christianity, and those Yemenis who do face many social pressures. Most Christians in the country are expatriates, many being Ethiopian refugees.
Persecution of Christians – Video
Video: Stories of Christian Persecution | North Korea
Christian Persecution Testimony from The Voice Of The Martyrs:
TESTIMONY: Pastor Florescu couldn’t bear to watch his son being beaten by the Communist officers. He had already been beaten himself, and he had not slept for two weeks for fear of being attacked by the starving rats the Communists had forced into his prison cell. The Romanian police wanted Florescu to give up other members of his underground church so that they, too, could be captured.
Seeing that the beatings and torture weren’t working, the Communists brought in Florescu’s son Alexander, only fourteen years old, and began to beat the boy. While Florescu watched, they hammered his son’s body unmercifully, telling the pastor that they would beat his son to death unless he told them the locations of other believers.
Finally, half mad, Florescu screamed for them to stop.
“Alexander, I must say what they want!” he called out to his son. “I can’t bear your beatings anymore.”
His body bruised, blood running from his nose and mouth, Alexander looked his father in the eye. “Father, don’t do me the injustice of having a traitor as a parent. Stand strong! If they kill me, I will die with the word Jesus on my lips.”
The boy’s courage enraged the Communist guards, and they beat him to death as his father watched. Not only did he hold on to his faith, he helped his father do the same.
Persecuted Christians – Video
Video: It Will Cost You Everything
Video: Open Doors World Watch North Korea Trailer
Christian Persecution Testimony from The Voice Of The Martyrs:
TESTIMONY – On April 25, Pastor Mohan Babu and two other believers were severely beaten by 35 Hindu extremists for holding a Vacation Bible School (VBS) near Bangalore City, in Karnataka State. According to The Voice of the Martyrs contacts in India, the three-day VBS was organized by Ragigudda Baptist Church. VOM sources said, “Around 60 children from different backgrounds were attending the VBS. As they were worshiping, about 35 people belonging to a Hindu extremist group forcefully entered the hut chanting slogans and demolished the hut. The extremists mercilessly beat Mohan, Samuel and Krishna, alleging forceful conversion. The perpetrators chased the children without any courtesy and tore the Bibles. Mohan was severely injured on his lips and was profusely bleeding. The believers are living in fear and did not lodge complaint with the police.” Pray for healing for all those injured in this attack. Pray they forgive their attackers and for the children who were attending VBS to continue growing in their faith despite the attack.