SO4J-TV has an opportunity to reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through:
TV, DVD, Mini Movies, SO4J.com, Bible Studies, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Gospel Tracts and more. About SO4J-TV
Please consider supporting SO4J-TV & Videos by making a Financial Donation large or small. Your Generosity and Support will help us to continue to reach the World for Jesus with the Good News of Jesus Christ (Mark 16:15). Jesus is Coming Soon.
SO4J-TV & Video Productions is not a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Corporation and operates solely on Private Donations and DVD Sales. Gifts & Donations are not Tax-Deductible.
You can Donate to SO4J online through PayPal and with Major credit cards—
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Thank you for your Support of SO4J-TV & Videos— God Bless You! (Read 2 Cor 9:1-14)
SO4J’s Mission
There are so many False Gospels being Preached today that do Not lead to Salvation(Gal 1:6-12, 2 Tim 4:1-5, Matt 7:21-23).
Many people think they are Saved by: their Good Works only, being Religious, Going to Church, getting Baptized and Confirmed, once having said the “Sinner’s Prayer” in their life— but there’s no evidence of Genuine Salvation (False Assurance), or because they “Feel Saved”. Then there are those who just “Believe”—who believe Facts about Jesus (head knowledge) that are true, but they are unconverted and continue in their Worldly and Selfish Desires. They have never Truly turned from their Sins and put their complete Faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
SO4J-TV’s Mission is to Proclaim the True Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Word of God as Clearly as possible.
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We have a tremendous burden and desire to see these people truly and Biblically saved, and no longer deceived by False Gospels or a False Assurance of Salvation. SO4J-TV & Video wants to continue to reach these people with God’s Word through: TV, DVDs, Website, YouTube, Facebook, Gospel Tracts, Bible Studies, Videos & Audios, and more.
Our efforts are far Reaching and Affecting people. Thousands have seen the Judgment Day–Are You Ready? One Hour SO4J-TV Show, and the Justin Peters-Exposing the Word of Faith Prosperity Gospel as well as the Lukewarm Christians— Judgment Day-Are You Ready? and other YouTube videos. More and more people are visiting the SO4J.com website every day. SO4J-TV & Video is waking up and challenging Lukewarm (Unsaved) “Christians” (Rev 3:14-22) and sharing the Gospel with the Unbelieving. Our desire is to reach even more people with the Good News of Salvation through Jesus Christ.
As the time of Jesus’ returning gets increasingly closer, we need to urgently warn as many people as possible of their need to be Reconciled to God (2 Cor 5:20-21) or face certain Judgment and spend an Eternity in Hell (Rev 20:11-15).

Copyright / SO4J.com / SO4J-TV & Video Productions