Christian TV & Videos Free Online - SO4J-TV -

Free Christian Videos, Christian TV Shows, Christian Movies Free

FREE CHRISTIAN VIDEOS, CHRISTIAN MOVIES, & CHRISTIAN TV – Videos & Movies from Youtube, and from SO4J-TV’s Pastor: John MacArthur, and also Paul Washer, Ray Comfort & Kirk Cameron, Cross TV – Mark Kielar, and other Various Preachers, & Ministries, Pilgrim’s Progress— along with some of the Videos from SO4J-TV. Please give page time to Load— there’s lots of Videos.


Movies – Christian Movies & Films – Free Online Films 

NOTICE: This website does not host or upload any of the videos found here [except for its own videos of course]— we just have embeded them. If you have any concerns regarding copyrights, please contact the original uploaders.

Also, the Christian Videos on this Page do NOT imply endorsement of any Ministry, Production Company, or Website Link that is Posted in these Videos. The only Endorsement that is worthwhile are the Resources which Follow & Promote Biblical Truth. While recognizing the “Good Fruit” from many of these: Videos, we cannot vouch for their every Belief, or Biblical Inaccuracies. Please exercise Discernment, and TEST everything with the Word of God.  

Video: Charles Spurgeon Movie (in color)

Video: Pilgrim’s Progress – 2008 – Full Movie

Video: God’s Outlaw William Tyndale Story 

Video: The Gospel of John Movie 

Video: The Visual Bible The Gospel Of Matthew

Video: Full Bible Movie – The Book Of Acts – The Visual Bible 

Video: Queen Esther – One Night with the King – The Story of Esther 

Video: Esther – The Bible Movie Online 

Video: The Jesus Movie (1979) – Full 

Video: Noah’s ARK Movie (Lead Actor as Noah is: Jon Voight) 

Video: FALSE TEACHERS EXPOSED: Word Of Faith / Prosperity Gospel – Justin Peters / SO4J-TV

Video: Costi Hinn’s Testimony & Justin Peters: Dividing From Deception – SO4J-TV | Show 1

SHOW 1 of 7: “COSTI HINN’S TESTIMONY & JUSTIN PETERS: DIVIDING FROM DECEPTION: SHOW 1 | SO4J-TV” Justin Peters interviews Costi Hinn (Benny Hinn’s Nephew about his Testimony on how he LEFT the: Word of Faith Prosperity Gospel & New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)AND they talk about the “Sovereign Grace of God” in his life of how the Lord mercifully opened Costi Hinn’s eyes (and his wife’s eyes) to the True Gospel of Repentance & Faith in Jesus Christ. Link: PRODUCED by: Justin Peters & SO4J-TV in Orange County, CA SERIES: “TRUTH & TRANSFORMATION” – 7 SHOWS

Video: Charismatic Movement: Defining Key Terms | Justin Peters & Costi Hinn – SO4J-TV | Show 2

★SHOW 2 of 7: “CHARISMATIC MOVEMENT: DEFINING KEY TERMS” – Justin Peters & Costi Hinn (Benny Hinn’s Nephew who LEFT the Prosperity Gospel) talk about the Key Terms/Definitions of the Word of Faith Prosperity Gospel & the mystical New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). Link:  – PRODUCED by: Justin Peters & SO4J-TV in Orange County, CA SERIES: “TRUTH & TRANSFORMATION”

Video: Healing Today & Cessationism | Justin Peters & Costi Hinn – SO4J-TV | Show 3

★SHOW 3 of 7: “HEALING TODAY & CESSATIONISM” – Justin Peters & Costi Hinn (Benny Hinn’s Nephew who LEFT the Prosperity Gospel) examine the New Testament “Gift of Healing”, and expose the false “Healings” happening in the church today that claim to be a work of the Spirit. They discuss some of the misconceptions of Cessationism, especially as it relates to the miraculous “Gift of Healing”. Justin then explains the purpose of the gifts and the true work of the Spirit in regenerating us and conforming us into the Image of Christ. This TV Show is the SHOW 3 of 7 shows in a series called: Truth & Transformation. Link:

Video: Suffering & Sovereignty VS Health & Wealth | Costi Hinn & Justin Peters – SO4J-TV | Show 4

SHOW 4 of 7 “SUFFERING & SOVEREIGNTY VS HEALTH & WEALTH” – Justin Peters & Costi Hinn (Benny Hinn’s Nephew who LEFT the Prosperity Gospel) speak on: How can God be both GOOD & SOVEREIGN with so much SUFFERING in the world? This is one of the-age-old-questions but one of which followers of Christ need not be afraid. In this installment of their series, Costi Hinn and Justin Peters discuss how we are to understand God’s Goodness and His Sovereignty (Rom 8:28) in light of: Suffering, Persecution, and Sickness (2 Cor 11:23-30, 2 Cor 6:4-10). Trials are not meant to be enjoyed, but we as Believers may count them as Joy as they serve to conform us into the Image of Christ. (James 1:2-4, 1 Peter 4:12-14, Romans 8:29)  ★Romans 8:28 “And we know that ALL things Work together for GOOD to them that LOVE GOD, to them who are the CALLED according to HIS PURPOSE…”  ★This TV Show is the SHOW 4 of 7 shows in a series called: Truth & Transformation.

Video: Heresies of Word of Faith & New Apostolic Reformation | Costi Hinn & Justin Peters – SO4J-TV | Show 5

★SHOW 5 of 7 “HERESIES OF WORD OF FAITH & NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION” – Justin Peters & Costi Hinn (Benny Hinn’s Nephew who LEFT the Prosperity Gospel) on: Are the Word-Faith / New Apostolic Reformation movements in error on secondary issues or do they actually qualify as heretical? In this program Costi Hinn and Justin Peters demonstrate that these movements actually teach a very different Jesus than the Jesus of the Bible. Christology is not a secondary issue. A different Jesus constitutes a different gospel. This program will show why you should be very concerned if you have a friend or family member in this movement. Souls are truly at stake.” ★This TV Show is SHOW 5 OF 7 shows in a series called: Truth & Transformation. Link:

Video: Problem Bible Verses: Context & Interpretation | Costi Hinn & Justin Peters – SO4J-TV | Show 6

★SHOW 6 of 7 “PROBLEM BIBLE VERSES: CONTEXT & INTERPRETATION” – Justin Peters & Costi Hinn (Benny Hinn’s Nephew who LEFT the Prosperity Gospel) on: Are the Word-Faith / New Apostolic Reformation movements in error on secondary issues or do they actually qualify as heretical? In this program Costi Hinn and Justin Peters demonstrate that these movements actually teach a very different Jesus than the Jesus of the Bible. Christology is not a secondary issue. A different Jesus constitutes a different gospel. This program will show why you should be very concerned if you have a friend or family member in this movement. Souls are truly at stake.” ★This TV Show is SHOW 6 OF 7 shows in a series called: Truth & Transformation. Link:

Video: Word of Faith: False Healings, Criticisms & Gospel | Costi Hinn & Justin Peters – SO4J-TV | Show 7

★SHOW 7 of 7 “WORD OF FAITH: FALSE HEALINGS, CRITICISMS & GOSPEL” – Justin Peters & Costi Hinn (Benny Hinn’s Nephew who LEFT the Prosperity Gospel) answer: What Tactics do Faith Healers use to manipulate people at Healing Crusades? How do Faith Healers use Music to manipulate people? Is anyone actually miraculously healed at a Benny Hinn crusade or is it Fake? Justin Peters & Costi Hinn discuss these Issues– as well as Costi Hinn also ANSWERS some of the CRITICISMS he has received since he LEFT the Prosperity Gospel and his Uncle Benny Hinn’s ministry. Justin and Costi also share that they BOTH wish they did NOT have to WARN about FALSE TEACHERS and would rather just talk about the GOSPEL, but as the Book of Jude rightly talks about in Jude 1:3-4 it is unfortunately “necessary to do so”. This LAST SHOW in this series ends with the true Gospel of Jesus Christ as shared from Costi Hinn. 

Jude 1:3-4 (NASB) “Beloved, while I was making EVERY EFFORT to write you about our common SALVATION, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you CONTEND EARNESTLY for the FAITH which was once for all handed down to the saints. 4) For CERTAIN PERSONS have CREPT IN UNNOTICED, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, UNGODLY PERSONS who turn the GRACE of our GOD into LICENTIOUSNESS (immoral sensuality) and DENY our only MASTER and LORD, JESUS CHRIST.

NOTE: We affirm that GOD CAN and DOES physically HEAL TODAY when it is HIS SOVEREIGN WILL to do so. We deny that anyone today possesses the Apostolic Gift of Healing as did the New Testament Apostles.

This TV Show is SHOW 7 OF 7 shows in a series called: Truth & Transformation. Link:


In this above video SO4J-TV ( & Justin Peters ( talk about FALSE VISITS TO HEAVEN & HELL – 10 DANGERS OF EXTRA-BIBLICAL REVELATIONS”, i.e. Why Claims of Afterlife Experiences from MANY so-called “Christian Books” are NOT Reliable, in fact these MANY books & testimonies are Extra-Biblical (Rev 22:18-19) and UNbiblical. SO4J-TVs Martha Mac sat down with Justin Peters to talk about these so-called Visions of Heaven & Hell and to take Justin through: SO4J-TV’s Top 10 List of Dangers of these Claimed Visits to Heaven & Hell.  This video is a WARNING to ALL to RUN from these dangerous False Extra-Biblical Visions & False Teachers to the True Gospel of Repentance & Faith in Jesus Christ (Mark 1:15). Heaven & Hell is a Real place, but these so-called Christian Books of their many visions of Heaven & Hell are NOT real. ★MORE: ► ★Just because someone has a: Vision, Prophecy, & or Dream and it comes to pass… that does NOT make it Biblical or Truth (Deut 13:1-18). One of Satans #1 GOALS is to deceive MANY PEOPLE ( i.e. “the World” & professing so-called “Christians” – Rev 12:9, Matt 24:24, Matt 7:21-23) and he does this by UNDERMINING the Final-&-Complete authority of SCRIPTURE / GOD’S WORD (like he did in the Garden of Eden – twisting God’s Word). 2 Peter 1:16-21 rightly says that we have a “MORE SURE WORD” (see Phil Johnson’s video below on that) God’s Word is more reliable than any: Dream, Vision, etc than anyone might have. People’s so-called spiritual experiences are: UNRELIABLE & FALLIBLE .. but GOD’S WORD is a: ROCK & our Firm Foundation, and is Sufficient for us.. it is Truth. (Matt 4:4, Luke 4:4, Deut 8:3). There is a Danger when people look to “Spiritual Experiences” as their source for: Information, Warning, & Hope, rather than looking to the Scriptures. We must not allow our desire for Excitement & Wonder determine what is True. We cannot base our Beliefs on “Feelings” or someone else’s UNRELIABLE “Visions & Mystical Experiences”, but ONLY on the “sure Word of God”. Where one spends Eternity, in either Heaven or Hell, is far too important a matter to be misled by: False & Unprovable Mystical experiences. As Believers we have an understandable desire to warn the lost of their Eternal Punishment in Hell if they do not Repent-&-Trust in Jesus (Mark 1:15). There is a danger in going “beyond what is written” (i.e.1 Cor 4:6) in Scripture, regardless of how exciting or sensational it may be, or even if it supposedly “points people to Jesus”. Despite the many problems or outright deceptions of these so-called claimed visits to Heaven & Hell, the Bible tells us clearly that Heaven & Hell ARE real places where every single person that has ever lived will spend Eternity in. The Eternal destinies of people are far too serious of a matter to entrust to Anything OR Anyone outside of the Scriptures. Scriptures are abundantly sufficient to Inform and Teach us about the REAL Heaven and the REAL Hell. / Written By SO4J-TV© Martha Mac & Rick Wagner® 

Grace To You Tour: Phil Johnson & SO4J-TV / John MacArthur Ministry Tour – 2017

Video: Lukewarm “Christians” Judgment Day-Are You Ready? Part 2 of 9 SO4J-TV 

FROM SO4J-TV: This is the FATE of FALSE CONVERTS (APOSTATES) who come to the EDGE of Saving Faith, but eventually REJECT & WALK AWAY from the TRUTH— the LUKEWARM professing self-deceived so-called “CHRISTIANS” of Matt 7:21-23 (UNSAVED people who THOUGHT, TALKED, LOOKED Saved, but were NOT—which is DIFFERENT than a disobedient and/or Weak-in-Faith-real Christian like King David, or Peter was for denying Christ). ★WATCH the FULL 1 Hour SO4J-TV Show: JUDGMENT DAY-ARE YOU READY? PLAYLIST ► OR here: . PLEASE read the FULL Description of this video that is on YouTube for more info so as to not misunderstand what we are trying to say in this video .. Love in Christ Keep Looking UP! ^(Col 3:1-4) SO4J-TV 

Video: Gospel of Jesus Christ – SO4J-TV 


Video: Fanny Crosby – Her Life & Testimony – Blind Christian Songwriter & Composer of over 8,000 hymns! She Praised God for her Blindness 
Songs that Fanny wrote: “Blessed Assurance”, “To God be the Glory,” “Praise Him”& 8,000 other hymns!!

Video: John Wycliffe – The Morning Star of the Reformation 

Video: Moody (The Movie on Dwight Moody) 

Video: Hudson Taylor Life & Testimony – Movie 
Hudson Taylor pioneered Missions to the interior of mainland China

Video: Pilgrims Progress Movie for Kids – Cartoon Animation – John Bunyan 

Video: Are Catholics Saved? John MacArthur – & 

MORE HERE>> Catholics – Are They Saved? 

Video: The Omega Code Part 2 – Movie 

Video: The Book of Revelations – Christian Bible Movie – (The Apocalypse of John) 

Video: We Will Not Bow – John MacArthur
(MOST downloaded Sermon on John MacArthur’s

Video: The Only Road to Heaven (Matthew 7:13-14) – John MacArthur 

Video: Is Your Pastor a Bible Teacher or a Philosopher? – – Mark Kielar 

Video: Doctrine of Election – Cross TV – Mark Kielar – PLAYLIST OR here on > DOCTRINE OF ELECTION

Video: Light of the World 

Video: Shocking Message – Full Length – Paul Washer 

Video: Book of Revelation – Bible Scriptures – Audio/Video – NLT

> > >  Video: NLT Bible New Testament & Old Testament – Audio/Video /  FULL PLAYLIST  < < <


Way of the Master Videos – Ray Comfort & Kirk Cameron

Way of the Master TV - Ray Comfort - Kirk Cameron -

Video: “Hell’s Best Kept Secret” – Ray Comfort & Kurt Cameron

Video: True & False Conversion – Ray Comfort – Living Waters &

Video: The Fool (Full Movie) – Ray Comfort

Video: The Atheist Delusion Movie (2016) HD – Ray Comfort & Living Waters

Video: EXIT: The Appeal of Suicide – Living Waters / Ray Comfort Movie

Video: Watch “Audacity” Movie – by Living Waters – Ray Comfort 

Video: Evolution vs God – Ray Comfort 

Video: 180 Movie 

Good Person Test – Livingwaters & Way of the Master – BIBLICAL EVANGELISM – HERE 



* The Christian Videos on this Page do NOT imply endorsement of any Ministry, Production Company, or Website Link that is Posted in these Videos. The only Endorsement that is worthwhile are the Resources which Follow & Promote Biblical Truth. While recognizing the “Good Fruit” from many of these: Videos, we cannot vouch for their every Belief, or Biblical Inaccuracies. Please exercise Discernment, and TEST everything with the Word of God.

Notice: This website does not host or upload any of the videos found here [except for its own videos of course]. We just have embeded them. If you have any concerns regarding copyrights, please contact the original uploaders.